August 1, 2010

august started.

I've been an unemployment about a month and I'm not feel so comfort. even though I can wake up anytime, going anywhere, and doing anything, but still I feel unpleasant. I knew my parent expect much to me as the youngest child and the only one daughter.

So, I try to have lil' job before I really get my dream job. I ever tempted to apply in wedding organizer but I canceled then, and now I want to have interview tomorrow in English First course and I canceled it too.

why I canceled those jobs which is at least I can "work" for a while and be proud? I don't want to 'only work' with no passion and just want to make other wondering why I can get the job so fast but the job is only job. there's my dream job waiting for my patience.

I choose to wait until I get my dream job. either work in five-star-hotel or be a stewardess. pray for me, :)

be patience ;
good things come to those who wait.


  1. goodluck getting our dreams Dii ! :) and it is true, good thing comes to those who wait :)

  2. hehe..thanks jo! sama2 raih mimpi masing2...! mumpung masih muda...:)
