October 20, 2010

evening shift.

yeap. I've been working as a hotelier almost for two months. And now, the shifts are applied!

We supposed to follow our schedule, not schedule follow us. Who do you think you are if you are going to make your own schedule and ruin up your workmate's schedule. If only there's a business that can be avoid of, it's okay if you inform the schedule maker at least a week before.

So? that's what happened to me. Twice, in the same week, my schedule changed. I'm okay with that, what I can do more?

I really don't care with the schedule things as long as my schedule maker who gave to me. I think that's all same. Sort of cassette, there are side A and side B. Different songs and favorites.

and now.. is my evening shift. I feel happy I can taste all kind of the schedule (morning, middle and evening). I can wake up later, do blogging, go shopping before, buy kind of food, and also, eat too much. :p so then I supposed to get ready before the sun go to high right upside on my head. see yaaa...!
